Saturday 1 May 2010

Here we have our initial idea for our magazine cover and our final piece. Just like our poster we kept some of our initial ideas but developed upon them such as;
We used two different fonts for our masthead but developed our idea by placing the first part of the masthead 'B4' in the rest of the masthead 'Release' this creates variety to our magazine and i think with the colour scheme it works well and attracts audiences.
We also kept the initial idea of placing Romaine in the centre of the magazine cover with the expression of worry and panic.
One thing we added and developed on was adding features of other films on the magazine cover, as you can is at the far right of the magazine this again adds variety to the magazine which would attract audiences to want to find out what these new films are about we developed this by adding captions of two films, we kept the idea to place names of films already created on the left side of the magazine cover with these four big film names 'Green Zone, Shutter Island, The Blind Side,Avatar' it again gives more variety to the magazine.
We developed the idea on the writing above the masthead which is '2010's number one magazine for onset insights' instantly people would want to read this magazine because we are offering the chance to see onset of up and coming films.
Another thing we kept was the use of offering the buyer free stuff, changing it from pictures of characters from our film to a free poster of our film, by using the colour yellow on this dark background it stands out and catches the buyers attention.
We instantly tell the audience what this issue is about by showing the name of our film at the bottom of the magzine in big bold lettering and bright colours.

Tuesday 20 April 2010

As you can see we kept the basis of our original design for our poster. We kept the image of our character Romaine at the bottom of the poster and placed an image of another character at the top of the poster, we also placed this character just to the right of Romaine by doing this it creates the idea that Romaine is looking at him and is worried. Another thing we kept from our original idea was the use of placing the London eye and Big Ben in our poster, this was a problem at first because it was hard to position Romaine at the right place in order to be able to get both iconic landmarks in the poster. We kept the idea of putting the title of our film 'Out Of Time' at the top of the poster this allows the audience to see what the name of our film is straight away, we also kept the tagline of our film which is 'Two Men, One Woman, On A Countdown' by making the font of this bold and bright it is easy for the user to see and allows them to get a small insight into what our film is about. We switched around where the date should be placed on the poster we did this because after attempting to put the date at the bottom we all agreed it did not look good.

Saturday 3 April 2010


We are halfway through to finalising our magazine cover and i believe it is looking like a real magazine cover, we have developed upon our initial idea of the making the magazine cover adding other things that would catch the audiences attention.

Saturday 27 March 2010

We have now finished editing our poster for our trailer 'Out Of Time', by using the software photoshop we were able to create a very appealing poster. It allowed us to add certain effects to create our initial idea which was placing an image of a character at the top of the poster and make it look as if he is superior to our main character Romaine who is placed at the bottom of the poster. The design on our magazine cover is underway, with the knowledge we have on using the software photoshop along with several different ideas on how to design our magazine cover i believe it will be as successful and appealing as our poster.

Saturday 20 March 2010

Trailer Update

We have successfully finished filming the whole of our trailer again, after our setback of having to film the whole trailer again it motivated us to make sure we get it perfect this time round. Looking back on the recording of our film i think that we have many useful shots that with editing to put them all together will come out to be a very successful trailer.

Friday 12 March 2010

Trailer Update

We encountered a major problem today, after filming and editing the trailer in a great depth we relised that our character in the trailer was not running at a fast enough pace to be believable or keep up with the tempo of the trailer, after we relised this we had to re-film the whole trailer again which was stressful for my whole group as we worked hard to create this trailer hte first time round.

Friday 19 February 2010

This issue of Total Film magazine played a great deal in finalising our magazine cover. We decided that we would use the layout but add our own tweaks to it. One thing we would take from this magazine cover would be the way in which Robert Downy Jr. is positioned in the centre of the magazine, and how an iconic building is placed behind him, even though the building is blurred out people can still see what the building is.
Another part of this issue we decided to customise would be the layout of where the writing is placed.
What i like about this issue is the way in which the colour scheme is used, the use of white and sky blue attracts the audiences attention as it catches their eye. Designing the background to be the same colour as the fonts on the is very effective as it again attracts the audiences eye.

Saturday 13 February 2010

Here are two posters for the film 'Push' as you can see with the poster on the left it gives away nothing but the title of the film, this is effective because it creates a sense of suspense and wonder about the film. The poster on the right shows a bit more information but again not much, what it shows is four of the characters who appear in the film, the reason for doing this is to keep the audience attracted to the film and make them want to watch it. Another good point to mention about this poster would be the effects it is using, it shows a man being able to lift and throw things up in the air, this again adds suspense and makes the audience want to know how he is able to do this.

Monday 25 January 2010

This is the Batman Issue of Total Film magazine, as you can see the only thing on the cover is Batman. For this issue the whole of the magazine has been made in a black theme this is done to highlight the fact that this issue of the magazine is of Batman. Even though it is a very basic cover it is used effectively because most people do know who this iconic character is. The only writing on this cover is 'ROUGH JUSTICE THE DARK NIGHT WAGING WAR ON TERROR'
this attracts the audience not just by the colour but because this is a catchy tag-line it gives the audience an insight into what this film is about.

Tuesday 19 January 2010

Here are two posters from the film 'Jumper', these posters appeal to me in different ways and i think in a way both had an effect on the final making of our poster.
The poster on the left shows what appears to be the main character, you do not get a clear image of who this character is. What works well with this poster is the way in which the character is placed, he is placed in the middle of the poster and he is framed by the two pyramids and the sphinx he is standing on, by the designer of the poster doing this it allows the audience to infer that he is the main character.
The poster on the right allows us to see who the main character of the film is which is Hayden Christensen, most people will know who he is from appearing in 3 of the very successful 'Star Wars' films. What works well in the poster on the right is that it centers Hayden Christensen and places images of landmarks of different countries at the bottom the poster, it appears as if he is looking down upon them like he is superior. The writing in the top left corner which is 'From the director of, The Bourne Identity and Mr & Mrs Smith' would attract the audience of both these films, and also would attract the audience of the director, after both them two films were successful.

Friday 15 January 2010

This is the concept design for our magazine cover. We designed this magazine cover to be like that of over magazine covers we have studied such as Total Film Magazine and Empire Magazine, we used the basis of each magazine to design our magazine cover, we came to the conclusion that with the magazine covers there is always a main focus this allowed us to create our magazine cover to have the main focus of our film but not completely fill the cover with just our film.

We kept the main focus on our film but added other features to the magazine cover which is;
~Adding names of other films on the magazine which can be seen on the far right of the cover this again we adapted from real magazine covers.
Also we added drawings of one of the films listed above this gave more variety to the magazine.

~At the far left of the magazine we added names of those who would feature in 'Out Of Time', we also added that there would be free photos from the set of the up and coming film, by doing this it would attract audiences in wanting these free items.

The masthead of our magazine cover is 'B4 Release'. My group and I thought this was a very catchy name and by designing the title in two different fonts it attracts the audience.

~We added other minor details to the magazine cover but are still very inportant points, these things are the price of the magazine, above the masthead is a tagline for the magazine, and the magazines website which is listed just below the masthead.

Tuesday 12 January 2010

Here are some images we used in our trailer, i believe that these shots are highly effective because it allowed us to create a shot reverse shot with our character coming down the stairs, we done this be recording at the top of the stairs then reversing it and filming him come down the stairs.

These images were used to get the idea of where to film our trailer and allow us to create the right angles to film, as you can see with the picture of the London eye it is taken at a low angle this was used to intentionally to create the power of superiority we gained this effect by making our main character stand in front of this high angle shot thus making him looking superior.

Friday 8 January 2010

This is our finished version of our storyboard, we were able to add alot more detail and give this piece alot more thought. With this final draft we added things such as, the clock and the title scenes.

This is our first draft version of our story board, it looks basic but our understanding of it will allow us to use it effectively and reate or even elaborate on the angles we record the scenes from.

This is our first draft version of our story board, it looks basic but our understanding of it will allow us to use it effectively and create or even elaborate on the angles we record the scenes from.

This is the shooting plan for our trailer 'Out Of Time'
as you can clearly our shooting plan is short and simple but im sure will be a very effective piece of planning.

This was our initial idea for the Out Of Time poster, we used the bases of this idea to create our final design.
This design for the poster was exactly what we was aiming for which was;
~To create the impression the man at the bottom of the of the poster was insolent and inferior to the image of the man above him,we also created the impression that our character was running away from something you can see this in this design of the poster.
~As you can see iconic landmarks are on each side of the two characters, one being the london eye, the other being big ben. There was a chance that creating this type of image from the resources we had would be a problem but me and my team believed that we would overcome this problem.
~Our tagline 'Two Men, One Woman, On A Countdown' i believe matches our film well by adding the fact that there is a countdown in our tagline it matches the name of our film 'Out Of Time'.