Saturday 1 May 2010

Here we have our initial idea for our magazine cover and our final piece. Just like our poster we kept some of our initial ideas but developed upon them such as;
We used two different fonts for our masthead but developed our idea by placing the first part of the masthead 'B4' in the rest of the masthead 'Release' this creates variety to our magazine and i think with the colour scheme it works well and attracts audiences.
We also kept the initial idea of placing Romaine in the centre of the magazine cover with the expression of worry and panic.
One thing we added and developed on was adding features of other films on the magazine cover, as you can is at the far right of the magazine this again adds variety to the magazine which would attract audiences to want to find out what these new films are about we developed this by adding captions of two films, we kept the idea to place names of films already created on the left side of the magazine cover with these four big film names 'Green Zone, Shutter Island, The Blind Side,Avatar' it again gives more variety to the magazine.
We developed the idea on the writing above the masthead which is '2010's number one magazine for onset insights' instantly people would want to read this magazine because we are offering the chance to see onset of up and coming films.
Another thing we kept was the use of offering the buyer free stuff, changing it from pictures of characters from our film to a free poster of our film, by using the colour yellow on this dark background it stands out and catches the buyers attention.
We instantly tell the audience what this issue is about by showing the name of our film at the bottom of the magzine in big bold lettering and bright colours.