Tuesday 19 January 2010

Here are two posters from the film 'Jumper', these posters appeal to me in different ways and i think in a way both had an effect on the final making of our poster.
The poster on the left shows what appears to be the main character, you do not get a clear image of who this character is. What works well with this poster is the way in which the character is placed, he is placed in the middle of the poster and he is framed by the two pyramids and the sphinx he is standing on, by the designer of the poster doing this it allows the audience to infer that he is the main character.
The poster on the right allows us to see who the main character of the film is which is Hayden Christensen, most people will know who he is from appearing in 3 of the very successful 'Star Wars' films. What works well in the poster on the right is that it centers Hayden Christensen and places images of landmarks of different countries at the bottom the poster, it appears as if he is looking down upon them like he is superior. The writing in the top left corner which is 'From the director of, The Bourne Identity and Mr & Mrs Smith' would attract the audience of both these films, and also would attract the audience of the director, after both them two films were successful.