Tuesday 20 April 2010

As you can see we kept the basis of our original design for our poster. We kept the image of our character Romaine at the bottom of the poster and placed an image of another character at the top of the poster, we also placed this character just to the right of Romaine by doing this it creates the idea that Romaine is looking at him and is worried. Another thing we kept from our original idea was the use of placing the London eye and Big Ben in our poster, this was a problem at first because it was hard to position Romaine at the right place in order to be able to get both iconic landmarks in the poster. We kept the idea of putting the title of our film 'Out Of Time' at the top of the poster this allows the audience to see what the name of our film is straight away, we also kept the tagline of our film which is 'Two Men, One Woman, On A Countdown' by making the font of this bold and bright it is easy for the user to see and allows them to get a small insight into what our film is about. We switched around where the date should be placed on the poster we did this because after attempting to put the date at the bottom we all agreed it did not look good.

Saturday 3 April 2010


We are halfway through to finalising our magazine cover and i believe it is looking like a real magazine cover, we have developed upon our initial idea of the making the magazine cover adding other things that would catch the audiences attention.