Saturday 27 March 2010

We have now finished editing our poster for our trailer 'Out Of Time', by using the software photoshop we were able to create a very appealing poster. It allowed us to add certain effects to create our initial idea which was placing an image of a character at the top of the poster and make it look as if he is superior to our main character Romaine who is placed at the bottom of the poster. The design on our magazine cover is underway, with the knowledge we have on using the software photoshop along with several different ideas on how to design our magazine cover i believe it will be as successful and appealing as our poster.

Saturday 20 March 2010

Trailer Update

We have successfully finished filming the whole of our trailer again, after our setback of having to film the whole trailer again it motivated us to make sure we get it perfect this time round. Looking back on the recording of our film i think that we have many useful shots that with editing to put them all together will come out to be a very successful trailer.

Friday 12 March 2010

Trailer Update

We encountered a major problem today, after filming and editing the trailer in a great depth we relised that our character in the trailer was not running at a fast enough pace to be believable or keep up with the tempo of the trailer, after we relised this we had to re-film the whole trailer again which was stressful for my whole group as we worked hard to create this trailer hte first time round.